On Mon, 18 Jun 2007 23:50:36 -0400, Elier Delgado wrote
> Hi
> It's very strange but I need get random entries from
the OpenLdap, specifically get randoms users (N users) .. it's a requirement
of the system that I'm designing ....
> I'm using PHP and
is not efficient get all results and do the random with the index of the result
array ...because the results must be many
> And I'm not happy to apply a random to a filter values,
for example generating randomly uid and getting near results ...
> So, I will appreciate any idea ...
> Regards,
Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)
I do not understand what you mean with the last restriction
Opensss could provides you random byte string
Here the doc for a command form
A C language interface also exists
I am not aware of a php interface
Best regards
Dominique LOHEZ