On 10/21/07, Michael Ströder <michael@stroeder.com> wrote:
Chuck wrote:
> I am trying to add the following record stored in cwagon.ldif:
> dn: uid=cwagon,ou=People,dc
> =network,dc=com
> cn: Chuck Wagon
> sn: Wagon
> # ldapadd -W -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=network,dc=com" -W -f cwagon.ldif
> Enter LDAP Password:
> warning: no attributes to add
> (entry="uid=cwagon,ou=People,dc=network,dc=com")
> adding new entry "uid=cwagon,ou=People,dc=network,dc=com"
> ldap_add: Protocol error (2)
> additional info: no attributes provided
Maybe I'm wrong because your HTML e-mail formatting might have added
this. But it seems to me your file cwagon.ldif contains extra empty
lines. Note that an empty line is the separator between records in a
LDIF file. So your entry uid=cwagon,ou=People,dc=network,dc=com seems to
be empty since an empty line follows the line starting with dn:.
Ciao, Michael.
Cool, it wasn't blank lines but actual whitespace preceeding each line.... I did not know about ldif files and how white space is treated.