Same result after correcting the syncrepl configuration (same for ldaps, ldap+starttls, or ldap only).  The problem can be simulated consistently by running several copies of perl scripts using Net::LDAP in background on 2 clients. Each of them add/delete 100 users, e.g. running 4 scripts on each client to operate on add/delete of 2-3 sets of 100 users.    Thanks again.

From: [] On Behalf Of ST Wong (ITSC)
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:12 AM
To: Gavin Henry
Subject: Re: Pls help:delete missing in multi-master environment

Right, I added redundant lines.  Will test again after removing them.  Thanks for your help.

ST Wong (ITSC) wrote:

Why are you running StartTSL on an ldaps server?

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
OpenLDAP Engineering Team.


Community developed LDAP software.