I am quite skilled with OpenLDAP in general, but am having difficulties
with one aspect of a popular set of Overlays (modules) used with
OpenLDAP: the "back_relay" backend module, and the module
(basically mod-rewrite for slapd).
First, let me get the scenario out of the way:
We have configured a nice LDAP server for a set of network hosts to use
for authentication, posix accounts, etc. However, these hosts are
spread amongst various subdomains of our network. I want "fake"
backends to be used to each respective domain. Clients in these zones
have LDAP client files that point to an LDAP DIT (database) that does
not exist in reality =).
Some generic examples, but you get the idea:
dc=real,dc=example,dc=com <- the REAL HDB backend, an actual DB
dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com <- fake "relay" that rewrites dc=real
dc=eng,dc=example,dc=com <- another fake "relay" that rewrites
dc=pub,dc=example,dc=com <- another fake "relay" that rewrites
For those of you unfamiliar with "back_relay" and "", the above
is accomplished by doing the following:
1. Build your normal LDAP DIT, get it perfect. Use a name you do not
intend the "public" or untrusted clients to see.
2. Load the modules in slapd.conf:
moduleload back_relay
3. right after your REAL database section in slapd.conf, start another
backend (might look something like this in your config):
########## Relay Instance for "CORP" (NOT a REAL DB)
database relay
suffix dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com
relay dc=real,dc=example,dc=com
overlay rwm
rwm-suffixmassage dc=real,dc=example,dc=com
rwm-rewriteEngine on
rwm-normalize-mapped-attrs yes
access to dn.subtree="dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com"
by users read
4. Restart slapd
Of course, your real DIT has to have ACLs permitting access for this to
Now I must stress WE HAVE THIS WORKING. For example, if one of our
engineers executes an LDAP search, his results returned have the DNs
rewritten according to their zones' configuration.
What DOES NOT work is the 'ldapwhoami' operation. When user Joe
executes the ldapwhoami cmd:
joe@host~:/$ ldapwhoami -xw password -D uid=joe,cn=users,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com
The returned data is NOT what we want:
I have tried the following, before you start making suggestions:
1. Reading the man page for days, trying examples
2. Googling other peoples' configs. Frankly no one does what I do with
LDAP ;-)
3. Using authz-regexp in both the global and per-relay config-space to
rewrite a returned DN to the desired one.
I KNOW the relay DB IS working with our REAL db because of the
1. We can auth to the relay base (dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com)
2. Data returned in normal LDAP searches has every DN rewritten, as
We are using:
HP Proliant DL140 / 4GB RAM on amd64 Kernel
Debian Lenny + OpenLDAP 2.4.11
libpam-ldap and libnss-ldap for client-side auth
ldap-utils on client-side for arbitrary ldap commands
Again, received no replies worth even reading. Please help!
Thank you
Jeff Doyle