Thanks.  I appreciate you response.

On 9/19/07, Aaron Richton <> wrote:
If you have a complete/coherent slapcat output, and you stop slapd, remove
your database and perform a slapadd using that output, without modifying
your configuration (i.e. slapd.conf), you should end up with identical
behavior with identical data...this is regardless of if your slapd
instance serves as a KDC, a {KERBEROS} frontend, or anything else.

This assumes there's no bugs in slapadd, of course. In 2.2.13 that may not
be a valid assumption, but you're likely to get away with it. I'd think
that the biggest precondition is the "complete/coherent slapcat"...take a
read through the LDIF first and manually sanity check it.

On Wed, 19 Sep 2007, Ezra Taylor wrote:

> Hello all:
>                I'm running Openldap version 2.2.13-7.4E and kerberos on
> Redhat 4 u4.  I know we are in desperate need of an upgrade.  I noticed that
> the database is corrupted and would like to know if I do a restore with
> slapadd if the Kerberos passwords continue to map with the users in ldap
> database?  If not, what tasks do I have to execute to map the kerberos
> passwords with the users in the ldap database?
> Thanks for all your help.
> --
> Ezra Taylor

Ezra Taylor