I load a version 2.4 of LDAP (that support overlay-memberof).
Ldap it start ok, and the network was ok.
I start to configure a memberof scenarios and after few
errors started.
For don’t touch anymore, I cleanup all
/var/lib/ldap...and I try to load
A single *.ldif....
but when I try to load a .ldif (core, cosine..) I have few
errors :
1. With ldap online :
ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=pippo,dc=it"
-W -f core.ldif
Enter LDAP Password:
adding new entry
ldap_add: Insufficient access (50)
In /var/lib/ldap there is a DB_CONFIG (before
DB_CONFIG.exemple) and the owner of directory is ldap, just I read few threads about
this sort of bug.
The access in slapd.con is :
#access to dn="" by * read
access to attrs=userPassword
by anonymous auth
by self write
by * auth
# by *
access to *
by self write
by * read
# by *
But anymore I try also whit “by * write” and
nothing change.
Other parameter is :
directory /var/lib/ldap
2. With ldap offline :
[root@itmit2vl5 schema]# slapadd -l
core.ldif -f ../slapd.conf
bdb(dc=telecom,dc=it): Program version 4.4
doesn't match environment version 4.6
bdb_db_open: Database cannot be opened,
err -30971. Restore from backup!
bdb(dc=pippo,dc=it): DB_ENV->lock_id_free
interface requires an environment configured for the locking subsystem
bdb(dc=pippo,dc=it): txn_checkpoint
interface requires an environment configured for the transaction subsystem
bdb_db_close: txn_checkpoint failed:
Invalid argument (22)
backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed!
slap_startup failed
But the bdb version not appears anywhere!!!
I try also the command “od -j12 -N8 -tx4
log.0000000001” and the result was 4.6!
What I must to do, for going on ?
Thank you very much at all, and sorry for my newbie
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