Can you be more specific about which documents you have in mind for both groups of documents you proposed to work on?
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Kurt Zeilenga <Kurt.Zeilenga@isode.com> wrote:
I intend to send a BOF proposal for IETF#73 for the purpose of forming
a new working group to undertake LDAP standards work.  Below is a
rough proposal for your consideration and comments.  (I am surely
biased as what new engineering efforts the proposed WG ought take on,
please do feel free to offer other possible work items.)

-- Kurt

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) BOF

Chair(s): TBD

The purpose of this BOF is to discuss the formation of a working group
to undertake LDAP standards work.  It is conceived that the proposed
WG would undertake both the revision of existing technical
specifications for LDAP extensions and the engineering of new LDAP

There are numerous existing technical specifications for LDAP
extensions.  Most of the Standard Track specifications were published
prior to the current LDAP "core" specification [RFC 4510] and are in
the need of revision.  In some cases, it may be more appropriate to
move the extension off the Standards Track.   While the work of
determining which RFC should be revised (or moved off to a different
track), and prioritization of the work, could be deferred to the WG,
it is hoped that the BOF will reach some conclusions as to which
revision work is of the highest priority.

There are also numerous extensions to LDAP which seem worthy of
standardization. It is hoped that the BOF will reach some conclusion
as to short list of new extension work items to be undertaken (at
least initially) by the proposed WG.  That short list might include,
for instance, in LDAP Transactions and Extensions for X.500 Alignment.

By including both revision and new engineering work items in a single
working group it is hoped that the sufficient participation levels
will be maintained to make reasonable progress in both revision and
new engineering work.

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